The basic eligibility requirements for an SBA 504 loan are as follows:
Be an operating business.
Be organized for profit.
Be located in the United States.
Have a tangible net worth of less than $20 million; have an average net income, after federal income taxes, of less than $6.5 million for the preceding two years (Applies to industry size standard).
Be able to demonstrate a need for desired credit.
Ineligible Businesses for the SBA 504 Program
​Non-Profit Business
Lending Institutions
Passive Business not using or occupying project assets
Life Insurance Companies
Businesses located in a foreign country
Pyramid Sales Distribution plans
Businesses deriving more than 1/3 of gross annual revenue from legal gambling activities
Businesses engaged in any illegal activites
Private Clubs or Businesses that limit number of memberships for reasons other than capacity
Government-owned entities (unless owned/controlled by Native American tribe
Businesses engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling, or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs
Consumer and marketing cooperatives
Loan packagers earning more than 1/3 of their gross annual revenue from packaging SBA loans
Businesses with an Associate who is incarcerated, on probation, on parole, or has ever been indicted for a felony or crime of moral turpitude
Businesses in which the CDC or its associates own
Businesses which present live performances of a prurient sexual nature or more than 5% of gross revenue is through the sale of products/services of a prurient sexual nature
A business or applicant involved in a previously or currently defaulted Federal loan or federal financing resulting in a loss to the government.
Businesses engaged in political or lobbying activities
Speculative businesses (such as oil wildcatting)
Typical Documentation requested for the 504 Loan Program includes the following:
2 most recent years of business tax returns;
Most recent year personal tax return;
Interim financial statements within 120 days;
Credit reports for operating company and guarantors;
Personal financial statement within 90 days;
Business debt schedules;
Previous government financing form (any government debt-business or personal);
2 years of Projections (if start up)
Cost documentation (Quotes, Contracts, Invoices, etc. for project);
Signed Resume forms (demographic & credit authorization);
Signed 1244 (application);
Signed 8821 form (Tax transcripts);
Copies of driver's license;
Appraisal (cost can be financed into loan);
Environmental report (cost can be financed into loan).
Special Purpose Projects
These are projects considered to have a special purpose and affects the equity injection (15% required for special purposes)
Amusement Parks
Bowling Alleys
Car Wash Businesses
Cold Storage Facilities (more the 50% of total square footage is refrigerated
Farms, including livestock and dairy facilities
Funeral homes with crematoriums
Gas Stations
Golf Courses
Sports Arenas
Swimming Pools
Tennis clubs
Theaters and Auditoriums
Hospitals, surgery centers, urgent care centers, and other health or medical facilities
Hotels, motels, and other lodging facilities
Nursing Homes, including assisted living facilities
Oil Wells
Quarries, including gravel pits
Sanitary Landfills
Service Centers (ex. oil and lube, brake, or transmission centers) with pits and in-ground lifts